@ Pills4thrillsHow many weeks has this thread gone on?YOU fucked up, plain and simple.YOU suggested a course of action that anyone with a slice of intelligence, OR who has done even a little bit of research here, should have known better than to try.YOU should have just said *mea culpla* and moved on. (Or, *Sorry, I fucked up!* to put it in the vernacular you may understand.)Try saying it to yourself a few times, just to get the hang of it--"Sorry, I fucked up."Then, shut the fuck up.You'll get a lot more respect from folks--and you're getting none now--than you will with your current course of action.You weren't burned, scammed, cheated or lied to. You fucked up, and as a result your poor little feelings were hurt, and hurt in private, not on the boards.You dimish yourself in everyones eyes with every post you've made in this thread.